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How to Learn German Fast: Quick Note!

How to Learn German Fast: Quick Note!

I have had a great day today. I submitted my honours thesis and it has been one long hard ride for me, writing about Loss Aversion. It was nice to hear that if I had been able to correct for the biases and the generated regressor problem, my paper would have been of publishable standard. That's very nice! :)

However, I am here on my German language site, not to talk about that, but to talk about my leaving the German Language Society! :)

Last Thursday, we held elections for the German Society. I have been a member of it for 4 years - 4 long years - and was General Secretary and then President. We voted. And the results came out. And then I handed over my stuff and SOP books and responsibilities to the next President. How time flies!

A personal note/ message follows (I promise I will get back to conjugating verbs on this German language blog):

Special thanks to my current EXCO and subcommittee members. It was great working with all of you in our German club activities: Stammtisch, movie screenings, German learning sessions and SEP Sharing Sessions!

Special thanks to all the friends I made in the German Society and thank you for always showing me support and care!

And above all, good luck to my friends Rachel and YJ who will be leading the Society to greater heights. Good luck for German Day!

Boy, am I longwinded :)

But it's perfectly fine since today's the day I bound my thesis and got everything ready for handing in; and last Thursday I was no longer President of the German Society I love so very much.

Thanks to all the loyal readers who keep coming back to my German learning site although I've been busy with my thesis! Thank you as well.

Thanks and cheers!!

How to Learn German Fast - well, this is just a quick and personal note.

I have been receiving many comments on my German language learning site that are not about German, nor about languages, nor about any other thing related to my topic of interest here.

Recently, I've been receiving spam comments from Chinese readers and also comments that lead my readers to advertising sites that are - well - distasteful. Apparently there has been a great influx of Chinese websites offering erm... extra services from sweet girls, let's call it that. I've nothing against people from China. I am in fact Straits born Chinese. But I will remove any stupid comments from come from Chinese blogs or China websites that take advantage of my blog for advertisements, for linking, and for all that sort of thing.

Please only drop me comments that you'd be proud to post; drop me comments that would not make your grandmother blush; and please, don't spam. Thank you very much! I love to hear nice compliments and beautiful comments, as well as other ideas on how to learn German and materials that could potentially help other readers from all around the world, whether Chinese, American or even German. Thank you!

How to Learn German Fast - learn how to learn a language

How to Learn German Fast - Replies to Some Comments on TestDaF :)

How to Learn German Fast - Replies to Some Comments on TestDaF :)

Hello my dear friends, readers, neighbours, students, German Society members, and passerbys!

I am sorry that I have not been posting the new verbs and vocabulary lists that I promised, as I have been very busy. I am sorry! However, as this is more important, here goes:

Replies to Comments And Questions About the TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
For your convenience, and also since those who asked nice questions need nice answers, here they are:

Ich habe mein ZD mit "sehr gut" bestanden. Ist TestDaF viel schwieriger als ZD? Wie kann ich es vorbereiten? Jetzt lerne ich selbst.Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Hallo!! Eigentlich weiss ich wirklich nicht, ob ZD einfacher ist oder nicht. Aber ich habe Freunde - sie sagen, dass TestDaf schwerer ist. Vielleicht viel' Uebung, meine Tipps benutzen, und naturlich viel lesen, hoeren und schreiben.

Good luck! Ich meine, I think that you should be fine since you obviously write German quite well, or even better than me :)

I'd say you can read the stuff on my blog all you want, but it's best that you apply basic principles of learning. Good luck, friend :) All the best!

I hope that answers the query and I certainly hope that I didn't reply it too late. Viel Glueck! Ich meine, ich hab' einmal gehoert: ohne fleiss, kein Preis (oder sowas, etwas aehnlich). Hoffentlich schaffst du es :)

Hi dude

I want to take TestDaf as well, and found your tips very useful.
But can you tell me where can I find listening and reading resources.
Is that really true that TestDaf is not really concentrated on grammar?

Thanks for the comments. Yes, the Testdaf is mainly language use and isn't about grammar, so you will be alright as long as you have a basic grasp of German grammar. They won't really hurt you if your grammar is bad, as long as you can speak and write German. However, it goes without saying that you need to know the basics and can operate well in German.

You can find all sorts of listening and reading sources on my site; just use the righthand sidebar, because I've written about youtube and Der Spiegel Online and Angela Merkel stuff, as all that can help you in your exams.

Cheers! All the best :)

My name is Luciana and I´m preparing myself to take the Test DAF in June in Brazil. Can you tell me please how could I also receive my examination results per e-mail?

Hallo Luciana,

Keine Sorge! OK, I'm not sure how the Testdaf works in Brazil but I guess that it works the same as in Singapore.

You will receive your exam results from the Goethe Institut, so I guess that there must be a branch in Brazil. You can request for an email notification, but rest assured you will also get a certificate of your success at the Testdaf.

I hope that helps :) Other suggestions:
1. You can ask your German lecturer, if he/she works part time at the testing centre (sometimes Goethe, sometimes University).

2. You can go to the testdaf website to check it out?

All the best! Viel Glueck und alles Gute

Ich werde den TestDaf am 10. Februar schreiben und bin so aufgeregt. Mein Problem ist, dass man nicht so viele Quelle auf Internet finden kann. Ich mache mir Sorgen besonders um den Mündlicher Ausdruck Teil. Ich habe fast keine Idee wie man eine Grafik beschreibt.

Any Suggestions?

Man kann viele Quelle auf dem Internet finden, vielleicht Der Spiegel (fuer Nachrichten), TestDaf Practice Examen und so weiter.

Mach' dir bitte keine Sorge! Haha fuer muendliche Pruefungen -

1. Man muss klar und deutlich sprechen
2. Man muss Konjunktionen benutzen - (at least, I think the examiners loved it since they gave me a good grade...)
3. Man soll viel ueben.
4. Vielleicht ein Partner finden, zum Beispiel ein Klassenkamerad?

Eigentlich finde ich, dass du sehr fliessend Deutsch schreiben kannst. Better than me, I'm sure.

Viel Glueck beim Test! :)

I missed out the second part,about describing Graphics and Diagrams. My mistake!

This might sound too easy or wrong, but it's true - just learn how to say "It is an increasing trend" or "it is increasing" or "it is decreasing". In fact, the most marks are given still - apparently - for 1. clear German with correct pronunciation, 2. lots of conjunctions and connections between sentences, and 3. practised answers. I hope that answers the question.

To all my readers, thanks for your continued support for my How to Learn German Fast site, where I teach how to learn languages in general and how to learn German in particular. Thank you for your kind comments and for your generous support.

Thanks and cheers,

How to Learn German Fast! - my language learning site.

How to learn German fast - Notice and Replies to Some Comments! :)

How to learn German fast - Notice and Replies to Some Comments! :)

Hello dear readers - sorry that I've been busy with other things for too long! Here's a quick reply to a message that I was sent, which I think needs or deserves a nice reply:

Ich habe mein ZD mit "sehr gut" bestanden. Ist TestDaF viel schwieriger als ZD? Wie kann ich es vorbereiten? Jetzt lerne ich selbst.Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Hallo!! Eigentlich weiss ich wirklich nicht, ob ZD einfacher ist oder nicht. Aber ich habe Freunde - sie sagen, dass TestDaf schwerer ist. Vielleicht viel' Uebung, meine Tipps benutzen, und naturlich viel lesen, hoeren und schreiben.

Good luck! Ich meine, I think that you should be fine since you obviously write German quite well, or even better than me :)

I'd say you can read the stuff on my blog all you want, but it's best that you apply basic principles of learning. Good luck, friend :) All the best!

I hope that answers the query and I certainly hope that I didn't reply it too late. Viel Glueck! Ich meine, ich hab' einmal gehoert: ohne fleiss, kein Preis (oder sowas, etwas aehnlich). Hoffentlich schaffst du es :)

The second reply to a comment is going to be quite different.

Someone wrote some nasty comment in Chinese (Mandarin, actually), which I deleted. It's gone.

First, How to Learn German Fast is my site, and I've every right to write what I feel is nice, necessary, important, or good and whatever I share is what I wish to share with you. I share language learning tips and some simple language stuff and materials here.

The thing is, I really don't like nasty comments or bad, poor comments on my language learning site. I think it's bad in taste and it's certainly silly to write negative things on other people's sites if they are trying to provide a nice social or language learning service. Why give bad comments when you can be nice and just read other things? Furthermore, I make it clear when I'm writing my opinion, and I also make it clear when I am citing or borrowing materials to share with my readers or fellow online bloggers. I think it's important to know what you're reading and whether criticism is due. (E.g. how can you criticise a grammar list or a vocabulary list? How can you criticise an opinion on how to learn German??)

I read and censor all comments, so please, please, if there are any nasty comments or negative things, leave them out. Thank you very much! If you want to ask questions, feel free to do so and I'll reply as and when I am able to, and I will try to help you to the best of my advice-giving abilities (and tip giving abilities, too). I've only learnt German for 5 plus years and have spoken it, now, perhaps about 8-10 years, on and off, so you can't expect me to be a genius at it, or certainly not as good as a native speaker. (Were I a native German speaker, why would I need to do the Testdaf?)

Thank you for comments but I'd prefer nice comments or questions rather than criticisms or bad, nasty, overly critical opinions. And no advertisements other than the ones I have, please! And oh, while I understand German, English and Chinese (Mandarin), please don't write bad things in any of those languages, because I understand them. Thanks for your kind understanding :)

Anyways, I hope I answered the two comments sufficiently! Thanks for reading and cheers. To all my other readers, do keep your comments coming and I will try to reply. We can all learn from each other and keep our love of the German language going. Thanks again and see you soon :)

How to learn German Fast! :)
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