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How to learn German fast - Notice and Replies to Some Comments! :)

How to learn German fast - Notice and Replies to Some Comments! :)

Hello dear readers - sorry that I've been busy with other things for too long! Here's a quick reply to a message that I was sent, which I think needs or deserves a nice reply:

Ich habe mein ZD mit "sehr gut" bestanden. Ist TestDaF viel schwieriger als ZD? Wie kann ich es vorbereiten? Jetzt lerne ich selbst.Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Hallo!! Eigentlich weiss ich wirklich nicht, ob ZD einfacher ist oder nicht. Aber ich habe Freunde - sie sagen, dass TestDaf schwerer ist. Vielleicht viel' Uebung, meine Tipps benutzen, und naturlich viel lesen, hoeren und schreiben.

Good luck! Ich meine, I think that you should be fine since you obviously write German quite well, or even better than me :)

I'd say you can read the stuff on my blog all you want, but it's best that you apply basic principles of learning. Good luck, friend :) All the best!

I hope that answers the query and I certainly hope that I didn't reply it too late. Viel Glueck! Ich meine, ich hab' einmal gehoert: ohne fleiss, kein Preis (oder sowas, etwas aehnlich). Hoffentlich schaffst du es :)

The second reply to a comment is going to be quite different.

Someone wrote some nasty comment in Chinese (Mandarin, actually), which I deleted. It's gone.

First, How to Learn German Fast is my site, and I've every right to write what I feel is nice, necessary, important, or good and whatever I share is what I wish to share with you. I share language learning tips and some simple language stuff and materials here.

The thing is, I really don't like nasty comments or bad, poor comments on my language learning site. I think it's bad in taste and it's certainly silly to write negative things on other people's sites if they are trying to provide a nice social or language learning service. Why give bad comments when you can be nice and just read other things? Furthermore, I make it clear when I'm writing my opinion, and I also make it clear when I am citing or borrowing materials to share with my readers or fellow online bloggers. I think it's important to know what you're reading and whether criticism is due. (E.g. how can you criticise a grammar list or a vocabulary list? How can you criticise an opinion on how to learn German??)

I read and censor all comments, so please, please, if there are any nasty comments or negative things, leave them out. Thank you very much! If you want to ask questions, feel free to do so and I'll reply as and when I am able to, and I will try to help you to the best of my advice-giving abilities (and tip giving abilities, too). I've only learnt German for 5 plus years and have spoken it, now, perhaps about 8-10 years, on and off, so you can't expect me to be a genius at it, or certainly not as good as a native speaker. (Were I a native German speaker, why would I need to do the Testdaf?)

Thank you for comments but I'd prefer nice comments or questions rather than criticisms or bad, nasty, overly critical opinions. And no advertisements other than the ones I have, please! And oh, while I understand German, English and Chinese (Mandarin), please don't write bad things in any of those languages, because I understand them. Thanks for your kind understanding :)

Anyways, I hope I answered the two comments sufficiently! Thanks for reading and cheers. To all my other readers, do keep your comments coming and I will try to reply. We can all learn from each other and keep our love of the German language going. Thanks again and see you soon :)

How to learn German Fast! :)
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